I was thinking about the darkness I feel sometimes (post one). It comes in different forms for all of us. When do you feel darkness and how do you deal with it? I usually have seen it in my life when I choose not to forgive someone that has wronged me. Maybe my kids for disobeying me, or people offending/hurting my family. When I hang onto the anger, hurt, and that fact that maybe we were wronged in something I become the one lashing out and hurting others. My husband told me a saying he heard "hurt people hurt people". It took me a minute to get it but when it sank in it made a lot of sense as I see it in my own life at times. So when (I don't always) I see this coming I like to turn to Matt 6:14 where it talks of forgiveness and how the Father has forgiven us and how we need to forgive others or He won't be able to forgive us. I don't think this is something He just chooses to do to be mean, I think that in our dark times we won't allow God to come in and heal us with forgiveness. Sometime I feel that I have some sort of control over the situation when I am angry when in reality, it is only hurting me. The person who has done the wrong probably doesn't even remember the offense, so I am only hurting myself and those closest to me. It takes His strength and power in us to be able to truly forgive and when I do let go of the "right" to be angry and actually allow His forgiveness to flow through me to the other person I find healing and peace. I can't even begin to describe how awesome it is to work so closely to the God of the universe, my Lord, to come to this freedom.
On that note, what names do you describe God with? I was thinking of this the other night as I was putting the kids to bed. It started with the prayer I pray with/over them (with some regularity). Our daughters name means "close to God" and so that is my prayer for her. Our son's name means "certain/aware of God and defender" and so this is my prayer for his life. So it made me think of what my name meant "beloved one", my sister's "brave one", and my husband's means "courage/strength". I thought of our lives and how much they reflect what our names mean. Here are some names I ascribe to God: Alpha/Omega (beginning/end), I AM, King, Saviour, Immanuel (God with us). These names describe to me One who is always there, has been, and will be. They tell me that my Lord is with me (and you), He is also the One who lays down the laws (nature, physics, and otherwise). They also bring me peace knowing that He has come and saved me (and you). Because if we can feel and experience the darkness mentioned above (brought on by the choices we make that break His laws) how in the world are we going to ever have peace without Him? There has to be more to this life than that and I believe that God brings it.
Also, I am slowly reading at the moment because I am waiting on new glasses. Very stressful to the eyes right now. I can't wait until they come in! I am slowly reading Danzig Passage by Bodie Thoene of the Zion Covenant. Last post I incorrectly said it was a part of the Zion Chronicles. Those were the first set of her books I had read, also good. If anyone ever wonders I am using the ESV (English Standard Version) or NASB (New American Standard Bible) for my Bible verses.
So, what darkness do you have, how do you deal with it? What do the names of people in your life mean? What do you call God? Share in comments if you like! Have a wonderful night/day.
Just seeing if it works!